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MailMonster is here to service you and your team. Check out or FAQ at the bottom.

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Popular questions

How are emails verified?

An effective email marketing campaign depends on email lists deliverability. When your email lists contain non-valid emails, the hard bounces from your campaign will destroy your sender reputation and trigger spam and fraud blocks. MailMonster protects you from penalties by offering the most comprehensive email verification solution on the market, making sure that your email lists are bounce free, valid and delivering high ROI.

How do we perform email verification?

Does the email address:

  • contain the necessary elements to be an email address, like an @ and correct punctuation for hostname?
  • have a valid hostname (
  • have a verifiable DNS and valid email server?
  • contain a valid local part (ie.
  • contain less than 254 characters?
  • have a mailbox that can be reached?
  • belong to a server that accepts all email?
  • have a history of engaging with emails?
  • have a history of bouncing?
  • have a history of opting out?

We then perform additional deliverability and compliance checks.

What exactly does is mean when an email address is marked "risky"?

Certain email providers are restricting email verification on their servers. Risky means that it is deliverable but there is a chance of bounce.

are these results accurate?

For some domains we can’t verify whether the address is good or not because their mail servers don’t cooperate.

Do we record any email addresses?

The answer is NO. We respect your privacy, and do our best to protect the data used by this tool.

Do I need to install anything?

No need for that. All you have to do is sign up and submit your list, our team will handle to rest. 

How often to i need to verify my emails?

Large lists should be checked at the very least once every two weeks. Smaller size lists can be checked on a monthly basis.

what is our accuracy rate?

Our service is 99% accurate, providing the best standards for measuring verifications and endorsed by thousands of satisfied customers. 

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